HAVE YOUR SAY – Installation of Double Yellow Lines, London Road, Hildenborough
/in News /by Parish ClerkFollowing concerns raised by residents, Hildenborough Parish Council and Kent County Council’s (KCC) Highway Improvements Team have been reviewing on-street parking in Hildenborough and we have ascertained a section of road on the B245 (London Road) opposite the Harvest Garage where parking restrictions could be installed to discourage nuisance parking and facilitate safe pedestrian passage.
Ahead of any statutory consultation, we are canvasing local opinion and we have provided this feedback questionnaire for you to tell us your views.
If there is no clear consensus, or a strong view that parking restrictions should not be implemented, then these proposals may be abandoned. Either way, the outcome of this pre-consultation engagement will be discussed in detail by Hildenborough Parish Council and the feedback will be taken into account as part of any decision-making process.
We are proposing to install double yellow lines on a section of the B245, Hildenborough, as shown on the map.
Please download the survey, complete the questionnaire and email your completed survey to the Parish Clerk at: . If you prefer to print off a copy to complete, please drop your completed survey into the mailbox installed on the side of the pavilion in Riding Lane Recreation Ground or post them to Hildenborough Parish Council, Pavilion and Recreation Ground, Riding Lane, Hildenborough, Kent TN11 9HY.
Please e-mail the Parish Clerk or call 07818 329 if you require a copy of the survey sent to you in the post.
Thank you for taking part.
Flood Wardens needed!
/in News /by Parish ClerkWe are currently seeking new Flood Wardens to assist local residents in the event of a flood emergency. Please see information attached to see what the role entails. For an informal chat about the role with no obligation to commit to being a Flood Warden please call the Parish Clerk on 07818 329029 or e-mail
The Leigh expansion and Hildenborough embankment scheme
/in News /by Parish ClerkThe attached Information Sheet provides more detail about the work the Leigh expansion and Hildenborough embankment project team will be carrying out in Hildenborough over the next few months. If you have any questions about the scheme, please e-mail the project team at .
Are you over State Pension age, or know someone who is?
/in News /by Parish ClerkIf you are over State Pension age, you may be eligible to claim Pension Credit, even if you own your home or have savings.
See flyer attached for more information.
Public Consultation on the Proposed Main Modifications to the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2024-39
/in News /by Parish ClerkThe Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2024-39 was submitted to the Secretary of State for Independent Examination on 17 May 2024 and the Public Hearings took place in September 2024. Following the close of the Hearings, a number of Main Modifications have been identified that are required in order to ensure that the Local Plan is sound and legally compliant.
Kent County Council has now published the Main Modifications to the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2024-39, along with the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal for representations.
You can submit representations during a 6-week period from Thursday 17th October 2024 to midnight on Thursday 28th November 2024.
All documents relevant to the consultation including supporting documents and guidance can be found on the Council’s online consultation portal www.kent.gov.uk/mineralsandwaste.
Representations can be submitted via our website www.kent.gov.uk/mineralsandwaste,via email to or by post to Minerals and Waste Planning Policy, Planning Applications Group, Invicta House, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1XX.
Prior to making a representation it is recommended that that you read the attached Guidance Note. Representations can be made online or using the attached representation form. Please note that representations received will be shared with the Planning Inspector for consideration and will be made publicly available on our website with all personal data removed. Those received after the deadline will not be considered. This process specifically invites representations on soundness and legal compliance of the Main Modifications and the guidance note explains the relevant soundness tests and statutory plan making requirements.
Should you have any queries or wish to speak to a member of the team, then please contact us on 03000 422370 or via .
Views sought on accessibility in Tonbridge and Malling
/in News /by Parish ClerkTonbridge and Malling Borough Council want their council services to be accessible for everyone. They are seeking the feedback of its residents to see if they are getting things right or if there are any barriers to accessibility in the Borough, especially for those with disabilities. Examples may include when you want to get in touch with the Council, are making an application or using their website. Please complete their short survey to help identify any areas where improvements can be made, as TMBC are committed to supporting the needs of those with additional needs or access requirements. The survey will be closing in mid-October.
New picnic table commemorates Cllr Mike Dobson
/in News /by Parish Clerk
Cllr Karen Dobson (far left) with her mum, Pat, (centre) and other family members at the new picnic table in West Wood.
A new seven-seat wheelchair-access picnic table was installed in West Wood in early August in memory of Cllr Mike Dobson, who served the community for over 40 years as both a Parish and Borough Councillor. The table has been generously donated by his family, and his daughter Karen is the current Vice-Chair of Hildenborough Parish Council.
Karen said: “I took Mum to visit the new table soon after it was installed and she is so pleased with it. I’d like to thank my fellow Parish Councillors for arranging for its installation and hope many people get to enjoy a rest or picnic there.”
The new picnic area also features a large plant trough which will be filled with plants that are suitable for the location in due course.
Home Upgrade Grant
/in News /by Parish ClerkTonbridge and Malling Borough Council understands that many households in our area rely on oil, LPG, electricity, coal, or wood for heating, which can be expensive and inefficient. That’s why we’ve secured government funding from the Home Upgrade Grant scheme, specifically designed to improve the energy efficiency of homes without gas central heating. Details regarding the scheme including upgrades available, eligibility criteria and contact details for the scheme can be found in the poster.
The scheme finishes on 31 March 2025, with applications likely to close in October 2024.
Women and Girls Safety Workshops
/in News /by Parish ClerkTonbridge and Malling Borough Council will be running free five week Women and Girls Safety Workshops at Church Farm Hall in Larkfield from Thursday 19 September. The Girls’ workshops will be held first from 6.15pm until 7.15pm and then the Women’s Workshops will follow on at 7.30pm until 8.30pm.
These are free to attend but attendees need to pre-register by emailing
During the five weeks those attending will learn:
- That you don’t need to be strong or use strength to overwhelm an aggressor,
- That a handful of carefully crafted words can de-escalate most violent situations.
- About situational awareness and how to avoid situations where violence is most common.
- When de-escalation is not effective, you’ll be given tools to know how to act swiftly, effectively and without guilt.
Girls can attend the workshops on their own, or parents are very welcome to stay and observe if they wish.
Upon completion of the five weeks, attendees will receive an attendance certificate and a personal safety alarm.
Please see poster for more information.